Mid-Year Review: Time to Assess, Adjust, and Accelerate

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of Spencer Uncensored. This is episode 76, and I'm thrilled to have you here, whether you're joining us live in the Unshakeable Secrets group for business leaders or catching this later on our YouTube Channel. Your presence means a lot, and I appreciate you being here.

Tonight, I've got a few updates to share before we dive into some crucial conversations that might be exactly what you need to hear right now.
Major Updates and AnnouncementsFirst, let's talk about the big projects I'm working on:

  1. Momentum and Mastery Book: The book is coming together beautifully. We have 53 people currently reviewing it, and the feedback has been incredibly valuable. Special thanks to my Coach, Micheal Burt, for writing the forward. If you don't know him, look him up—he's spoken at 10X and worked with top names like Rory Vaden, Grant Cardone, and Renee Rodriguez. We're aiming for an official digital release by the end of July, and a big launch at the Unshakeable Weekend Event on August 23rd.
  2. Unshakeable Weekend Event: Speaking of the event, it's set for August 23-25 in the Midlands of South Carolina. We’ve secured a great venue and room blocks to keep costs down. This event will be the first of many across the country, coinciding with the book launch.
  3. Web Class and 30-Day Momentum Launch Program: We’re also developing a web class that leads into a 30-day Momentum Launch Program. This program is a primer for the Unshakeable Weekend Event and focuses on the Drift to Drive framework, ensuring you’re ready to make significant progress.

The Power of Conscious Living Now, let’s get into the heart of tonight’s discussion. We often live on autopilot, with both positive and negative behaviors taking over unconsciously. For example, I've been consistently getting up early and walking for almost 90 days. It's become such a habit that my body automatically wants to do it, even if I miss a day.

This automatic behavior shows how we can program ourselves positively. However, many of us lean naturally towards either a momentum framework (always in action but often burned out) or a mastery framework (focused on getting things right but sometimes stuck in our heads).

Identifying Your Framework
  • Momentum-Minded: If you’re always taking action but feel frustrated or burned out, you might need more mastery. This means incorporating a mindset and mechanics framework into your routine.
  • Mastery-Minded: If you’re focused on getting everything right but struggle to take action, you need more momentum. This involves diving into what moves you and taking decisive actions.

Mid-Year Review: Facts and Feelings. As we near the end of June, it's a perfect time for a mid-year review. Look at your past results objectively—they are just facts. Focus on your future with emotion and clarity. What do you want to achieve by the end of the year? Clarify your commitments, determine your priorities, and ensure you have a clear purpose.

Final Thoughts. Business owners can't afford to shoot in the dark. By understanding whether you need more momentum or mastery, you can take targeted actions to improve your business and life. Take this weekend to review your progress and plan your path forward.

​Thank you for joining me on this journey. Keep well, keep moving forward, and remember, when you're in your head, you're dead. Let's get into our hearts and make things happen.

About Spencer Combs:

Spencer Combs is a business leader and author of Momentum and Mastery: The Business Leader's Guide to Fastrack Unshakeable Profit, Productivity, and Purpose. With a passion for helping others transform their challenges into opportunities, Spencer offers unique insights through his events, coaching programs, and daily text messages.

Take the Next Step:

Connect with Spencer: www.spencercombs.com/social 

Contact Us: info@spencercombs.com 
