My Bad. My Offer.

My assumptions may have damaged our connection.  It reminds me of a moment I experienced a few years ago.  At the time, I had over 100 coaching clients in a small ecosystem.  My ego was bruised within seconds.  
As I walked into a training room with every bit of confidence I had, I began sharing helpful info from the back of the room.  The Trainer at the front of the room was gracious enough to let me interrupt.  Then, everything stopped when one student spoke up.  She simply asked, "and who are you?"  I stood there and felt embarrassed.  I came in guns blazing without making a simple introduction.  The lesson was quick and slightly painful.  

That was my bad.  Here's the lesson.  No one is interested in all of the value we can bring until they connect with you.  I've even preached it for years, you have to connect before you can convert.  This is one time I failed at my own principle.  

Here is my offer.  Rather than shoot you a ton of value like I share with current business owners across 13 states, let's have a quick conversation so I can properly introduce myself and get to know you and your business.  It's a ridiculous notion for me to just assume you would be interested in what we do.  And since you are a Momentum Insider, you're clearly interested in boosting your momentum and building mastery.  Let's do that at no cost. 

Why would it be free?  Simple.  1, you appreciate having the competitive edge.  2, you and I get to find out if we even want to work with each other.  3, we both have a better relationship regardless of whether you take me up on any next steps.  Not everyone is a good candidate or even ready.  We can find that out just by taking this first step.  

Here's how.  Hop on my calendar and pick and day and time.  From there, we'll handle the rest.  

Keep well and keep moving forward, 
